Coloring is a creative activity for kids that helps them focus, express their artistic sensibility, and spend fun time with friends! To celebrate National Coloring Book Day, we’ve put together some fun art activities for kids that all involve coloring!
Tape Name Art
This coloring project for kids is a perfect way to spend quality time with friends and family. Make your own name art you can hang on the wall You’ll need:
- Painter’s tape
- Scissors
- Markers or crayons
- White cardboard
Cut strips of painter’s tape and tape out the letters of your child’s first name onto the white cardboard. The rest of the white space can be decorated however your child wishes! Try coloring rainbow stripes across the cardboard or color a nature scene with butterflies, trees, and sky. When your child is finished coloring, remove the painter’s tape so the name stands out in white against the colored area.
Want to help your child learn his letters before the coloring activity? Storytime with a personalized book such as My Very Own Name will help him learn how to spell his own name.
Color and Shape Sorting Caterpillar
With this coloring craft activity, kids practice color and shape recognition! You’ll need:
- White paper
- Scissors
- Markers or crayons
- Construction paper in red, orange, yellow, green blue, and purple
With the black marker, draw outlines of six circles. These circles form the body of your caterpillar. The child will color the head, antenna, and feet of the caterpillar. Have your child color each circle in a different color, in the order of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
Once the caterpillar is colored, cut out small shapes from your construction paper and vary the shapes—circles, squares, stars, hearts, triangles, ovals, etc. Place the cut-out shapes on the table, and let your child sort the pieces to the corresponding colored circles. You can also make it a game, and ask: Where should the red triangle go? Your child will need to find the correct color and shape to sort it.
Pencil Holder
Create and color your own pencil holder, perfect for storing art supplies at home! You’ll need:
- Cardboard (try using a shoebox or shipping box)
- 3 Toilet paper rolls
- White paper
- Scissors
- Crayons or markers
- Elmer’s glue
Measure your toilet paper rolls and cut three strips of white paper according to their height. Your child can decorate each white strip of paper using markers or crayons. Color a pattern, like stripes or polka dots, or decorate the roll to match a bedroom.
Cover the toilet paper roll in glue and wrap the decorated paper around it. Cut any excess paper. Repeat this process for the other two rolls.
Cut out a 3-4-inch square from the cardboard. To make your base more colorful, color it with markers or crayons. Glue the three paper rolls to the center of the square, clustered together. Now your pencil holder is ready to store your craft supplies, markers and pens!
Coloring Page Bookmark
Create a colorful bookmark your child can use for school or home! Find a page with fun patterns in your favorite coloring book for this coloring craft activity and decorate your finished product with stickers, glitter, and more! You’ll need:
- A coloring book page
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Crayons or markers
- Pencil
- Elmer’s glue
- Hole puncher
- Tassel
Use markers or crayons to color in a coloring page. A personalized coloring book, such as Color in the Treehouse with Me Adult & Child Coloring Book, invites adult and child to spend quality time together!
Cut a rectangle from the cardboard, as the base for your bookmark. Place the cardboard rectangle on your coloring page (exactly on the pattern you want featured) and trace the shape. When you cut out your coloring page, cut extra length on both sides of your tracing so you have extra to wrap around the back of the bookmark.
Glue the coloring page to the cardboard, folding the extra paper to the back. Cut any excess paper and line up the ends.
Punch a hole at the top of your bookmark and add the tassel, looping it through the hole. This coloring page bookmark is a perfect craft activity to inspire parent and child to read together!
https://happyhooligans.ca/tape-resist-name-art-kids-ages/ https://funlearningforkids.com/shape-color-sorting-caterpillar/?epik=0OLP-E_IWn_Vz