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Why Puzzle Play is Important to Your Child’s Growth

Puzzles have always offered fun family entertainment, but did you know they also help your child’s development? These fantastic learning tools help children develop cognitive skills, fine motor skills, and so much more. In addition to these skills, completing a puzzle gives a child a sense of accomplishment, encouraging self-confidence. Children love to play and explore. At a very young age, children are curious about the world around them. By introducing puzzles into your child’s

Growth Mindset Books for Kids

Help your child develop a growth mindset at an early age, to encourage hard work and dedication to improvement. This positive mindset allows children to be better equipped for success in the future, motivating them to develop their skills over time. What is Growth Mindset? Growth mindset is related to students’ attitudes about failure and was first coined by Carol Dweck and her colleagues over thirty years ago. From studying thousands of children, Dr. Dweck