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thanksgiving dinner

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Thanksgiving Reading Activities and Crafts

Celebrate Thanksgiving with these children’s reading activities and crafts! We’ve put together seven ideas that are fun, engaging, and perfect for your holiday break. Kids will gobble up a whole lot of learning by practicing reading out loud, writing letters, and spelling words. Some activities can be adjusted for kindergarteners versus older elementary-age children. Thanksgiving presents a timely opportunity to talk about gratitude, friendship, and why we give thanks. These literacy activities will inspire children

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Tips to Host a Family Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving may look a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t host a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving dinner with family. The coronavirus pandemic brings up a lot of questions, so we’ve compiled some tips on how to have a festive feast at home! There are many unknowns around the holiday season, especially these questions: What if my out-of-state relatives don’t want to travel or are unable to due to a compromised immune