activities for kids children activities family activity family history family records family research family tree family tree activity family tree puzzle family videos games for kids geneology historical sites how to research your family tree kid games learn about family members lineage crafts kid lesson

Family Tree Activities for Kids at Home

Teach kids about your family history with these tips for researching your family tree. This fun family activity is perfect for kids at home and brings everyone together to learn about extended family members. Skip going to popular genealogy sites and make this a hands-on research activity instead! By doing the work yourself, kids learn how to conduct in-depth research and discover the value of working hard. Plus it’s fun to play detective and search for clues to your family past! Whether you are homeschooling or want your little ones to feel more connected to family members, these children’s activities will get them actively engaged in learning. To get started, read over how to research your child’s family tree and have fun exploring your lineage.

Interview Relatives 

The best way to learn about your family history is to talk directly to relatives. It’s fun to interact with family members and learn about their lives! Who knows what you’ll uncover and discover in the process? Either by phone or video service, talk to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and some of your oldest relatives. Encourage them to tell favorite stories. Ask what life was like when they were young. These interactions not only provide invaluable family information but strengthen family bonds.

Gather Family Records

Organize and sort through old pictures, albums, wedding and birth certificates, and any old papers. Ask relatives if they can contribute to your “family archive” and put items in chronological order to create a visual timeline. Even your youngest kids will love seeing all of the pictures grouped together. This activity is also a great history lesson, as photos and documents teach us about life in the past.

Play Family Videos

Snuggle in and spend an evening watching home videos. Try gathering relative’s video recordings and watch them in a series. While “research” often sounds boring, family videos are a fun and entertaining way to learn about your family history. 

Travel to Family Sites Online

Maybe your great-grandfather was a farmer, or perhaps your great-great uncle used to own a mill. Visit the historical sites of the past by researching online. Find pictures of the location and show your kids. Kids can learn how their family worked and lived in the past—a great way to show appreciation and gratitude for the way we live now. 

Plan Family Tree Activities for Kids

Turn your family history lesson into a craft activity or game! Once they’ve gathered enough information, DIY your own family tree to hang in the house. Create a family tree out of construction paper and glue photos to the branches. For babies, introduce family members with a photo album or personalized baby photo book. Even at a young age, your baby will love seeing pictures of family members and learn nicknames like “nana,” “auntie,” or “dada”.

You can also turn your family history into a game. Learn about relatives, write information on note cards, and then test your knowledge by giving clues. Use photos to play a family matching game. Try to place the photo in the correct family grouping and see how many you get right!

Learning about your family history is important and meaningful. Discover, learn, and share together! This family activity is one everyone can enjoy.