Packing List for Traveling with Kids

Traveling with kids is always an adventure—or a challenge, depending on how long you’ve been on the road and how the kids are behaving. Keep your travel plans on track with some careful preparation, and you’ll have more adventures and fewer headaches!


Traveling with Infants

Pioneers crossed the Wild West with less provisioning than you need when traveling with infants. Okay, that’s a slight exaggeration, but the list of items you need to get from point A to point B with an infant is staggering. Make sure you’re ready to go with our packing check list:


  • Car seat
  • Diaper bag and diapers (pack more than you think you’ll need)
  • Changing pads
  • Blankets and spit-up clothes
  • Wipes and disinfecting hand gel
  • Small bottles of the infant’s shampoo and other toiletries
  • Tissues
  • Infant toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Laundry soap
  • Night light
  • First aid kit
  • Collapsible stroller
  • Sippy cups
  • Formula and snack food.


A portable high chair can come in very handy, as can a collapsible play pen or crib. You might also want to pack some socket protectors to child-proof the room your child stays in.


As far as clothing goes, plan for one or two outfits a day. Experienced travelers know denim and dark colors hides dirt and stains. Pack clothes that can be layered, in case of weather changes, and remember to also pack:


  • Jammies
  • Sun hat and sunscreen
  • Washable bibs
  • Swimming suit and swim diaper.


Entertainment for Traveling with Kids

Whether you’re traveling with kids or infants, you’ll need something to keep them happy and engaged during the trip. Favorite snuggle buddies or comfort blankets are an essential when traveling with infants—just make sure they don’t get lost!


Pack some familiar toys and board books for infants, and add a few new toys to keep things interesting and fresh. A new personalized board book with the child’s photo in it can keep a little one happy when travel starts to get tiring.


Traveling with older kids is easier in many ways, but you still need to consider ways to keep them entertained on long drives or plane rides. New books, personalized coloring and activity books, and some travel toys are always a good idea.


That’s about it. Did we miss anything—wait! The camera! You’re going to need it to record your family adventure!

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