Make Easter extra special this year with these fun family activities! You’ll have a joyful time making the best memories. Whether you are celebrating your baby’s first Easter or a child’s Easter with family, these children’s activities will fill the day with fun and laughter. Try one of these ideas to start a new family tradition, like sharing a storybook together or planning a day of Easter games. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends can all join in on the fun! Easter is a beautiful and hopeful time to spend with the ones you love. We hope these Easter activities for kids will take your celebrations to a whole new level of egg-citement!
7 Family Activities to Celebrate Easter
Start a new family tradition this Easter with one or more of these fun family activities!
Enjoy an Easter storytime in the morning or at nighttime.
Surprise your child with a storybook you can enjoy on Easter morning or before bedtime! A personalized Easter book like My First Easter Egg Hunt is a beautiful way to celebrate baby’s first Easter and remember it forever. For a soothing read, a book like My Snuggle Bunny is all about love!
To help your child learn their name, consider a personalized name book like My Very Own Name or My Very Own Nursery Rhymes! Nursery rhyme characters spell your child’s name in rhyme, creating an all new story! It’s a sweet keepsake to enjoy at Easter and long after.

Host a family brunch and backyard Easter egg hunt.
Bring the whole family together to make egg-citing memories! Plan a brunch for your immediate and extended family. Offer an assortment of kid-friendly brunch foods like egg bake, croissants, bagels, fruit, cinnamon rolls, deviled eggs and french toast sticks.
After brunch, everyone can participate in an Easter egg hunt in the backyard. Traditionally, you would hide candy in the plastic eggs. But we also love this idea: place small strips of paper in some of the eggs that have commands like quack like a duck, hop like a bunny, and dance like a crazy chicken. When family members open their eggs, they’ll follow the silly instructions on the paper. It’s a hilarious and memorable activity for children, grandparents, aunts and uncles!

Organize Easter Bunny activities and games.
Plan a variety of family games and activities that will have everybody laughing with joy! We’ve put together a few of our favorites:
- Hopping race: hop all the way to the finish line to win!
- Egg roll: roll a tie-dyed egg across a table that is split into sections with different prizes. Wherever the egg stops, you win that prize!
- Egg hunt puzzle: hide pieces of a puzzle inside plastic eggs. When your child finds all the eggs, they can put the pieces together! Personalized puzzles are perfect for this activity, and they make great Easter gifts!
- Water balloon toss: toss the water balloon “egg” to your partner but if you drop it, you’re out!

Bake and decorate bunny-shaped cookies.
Get creative in the kitchen by baking your own adorable bunny cookies this Easter! Kids will love decorating their own cookies with lots of frosting and sprinkles.
Enjoy your treats while watching an Easter movie or take some cookies to neighbors or friends!

Go on a family walk outside.
If the weather is nice enough, take the whole family for a walk or bike ride. It’s a great activity to get some fresh air and spend quality time together. It’s also a great opportunity for kids to expend their excited energy after opening their Easter basket that morning!

Drive to the park and enjoy a car picnic.
Visit the park for playtime and pack a picnic that you can eat outside or in the car. It’s always fun to go somewhere new and see buds on the trees, as plants come to life for spring!

Visit a petting zoo or farm.
Perfect for your animal-loving kids, this Easter activity offers adorable entertainment all day! Take your child to a petting zoo or farm to see the animals and feed them. You’ll get some great family photos during your outing, to share with friends and family.