Once you’ve decided to get a pet, it’s important to find the most child-friendly dog breed for your family. To find the best dog, consider your family’s lifestyle, wants, and needs. If you have a newborn in the house, you’ll want the best dog breed for babies. If you live an active lifestyle, you’ll want a playful pet that can go with you on adventures. Take some of these questions into consideration: Do we want a small or big dog?
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best dogs for kids
Having a family pet can have a positive social and emotional benefit on your newborn or toddler. But young children and pets will not always get along right away. Here are some ways you can build a strong bond between your child and pet. Supervise Small Interactions Babies like to explore their environment, grabbing and poking at objects around them. But a child’s sudden movements or painful fist around a pet’s ear can cause your