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family activities

Growth Mindset Books for Kids

Help your child develop a growth mindset at an early age, to encourage hard work and dedication to improvement. This positive mindset allows children to be better equipped for success in the future, motivating them to develop their skills over time. What is Growth Mindset? Growth mindset is related to students’ attitudes about failure and was first coined by Carol Dweck and her colleagues over thirty years ago. From studying thousands of children, Dr. Dweck

Throwing a Kindergarten Graduation Party

While most parents consider college graduation to be a celebration-worthy occasion, a child graduating from kindergarten is also a momentous milestone. Like a baby’s first steps or first word, a child’s graduation from kindergarten marks an important step forward in development. Celebrate the occasion with a family party and make memories you will treasure long after your child has graduated college! Invite Friends and Family A kindergarten graduation party with friends and family is a