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animal shelters

acts of kindness animal shelters donate gift giving Happy Howlidays campaign how kids can spread kindness kind notes November 13 personalized storybook pick up litter recycling small acts spread holiday kindness surprise a classmate or friend world kindness day

How Kids Can Spread Kindness

Spread love and kindness all winter long, and especially at the holidays! In honor of World Kindness Day on November 13, we’ve put together ideas for kids to spread cheer and happiness to friends, family, classmates and strangers. A small act of kindness can make someone’s day brighter. Even a small child can do something small, to make a big impact. By encouraging your child to perform an act of kindness, you will help them

activities with kids adopt a pet animal shelter animal shelters April 11th care for animals children children and pets children's activities family activity kids kids activities kids and pets National Pet Day National Pet Day activities personalized book personalized cat puzzle personalized dog puzzle pet adoption pet gifts pet ownership pet tricks pets reading to pets responsibility shelter reading program spending time with pets teach children how to care for animal training

Have Fun with Pets on National Pet Day

Discover fun ways to celebrate National Pet Day with your furry family members! This paw-some holiday is all about spending time with your pets, learning how to care for animals, and supporting animal shelters and pet adoption. On April 11th, try one or more of these fun pet activities with children. These ideas will help children learn about the responsibility of pet ownership. Kids will also build compassion for animals, as they learn about animal